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Eco-Bank Bazaar

On March 3rd, 2018 us Raffles Students (Fashion Marketing and Fashion Design Students) collaborated with CDL, EcoBank Business in Singapore to promote Zero Waste community in the country.

Raffles Fashion Designers took part in collecting pieces from the collection point for old clothes, and they upcycled, redesigned the fashion item into a newer and much more on trend pieces for the Bazaar on March 3rd. The profit was 100% given back to Children's charity in Singapore.

The VIP guest came to the bazaar and she is the Senior Minister of State from the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources to give us speeches about the Zero Waste campaign. On top of that, Raffles College of Higher Education was mentioned as well as we helped to manage their Instagram account since January 29th till March 3rd 2018.

We managed to increase the amount of followers for @ecobusiness by 60 in less than 3 months, besides that, we got to increase their posts interaction between followers and company.

The usage of social media is very important for companies or businesses now because it is so much easier and faster to spread the word to the world with good/creative pictures as well as hashtags. In additional to that, social medias can be used by brands or companies to create advertisements that will only costs them at a minimum price of 1 USD per day to target people from certain area or interests.

- Stephanie Steven

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