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Emotional Intelligence

So today we received a lecture about Emotional Intelligence and in a team we had to present our understandings regarding the topic.

So what is Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient you may ask?

These two terms were created by researchers named Peter Salavoy and John Mayer,

EI or EQ is an ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions as well as to recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. Trust me, you need to know these things for positive work environment or to even strengthen your relationship with your significant other.

These are some of the traits you need to have socially and personally:





Positive attitude



Problem solving skills

Active listening

I myself need work on my emotional intelligence especially the active listening (due to zoning out sometimes) and even problem solving skills because I tend to take hours in solving a problem due to my other weakness, Anxiety.

I can work on my emotional intelligence however, sometimes my anxiety would beat me in a matter of seconds. Therefore, I need to find a way to beat my anxiety first in order to work on anything else.

- Stephanie Steven

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